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AccessiBe Makes Internet-Accessibility to the Physically Disabled Easier


Sep 21, 2021


Human beings have an age-old existence on earth. With the gradual passage of time, they have developed their lifestyles in every way possible. Today human life has been dotted with the charisma of technology at large. The invention of gadgets and especially the bringing in of internet in people’s lives today was the greatest of the breakthroughs given to the same. There are several internet service providers all across the globe. However, among others, the name AccessiBe has gained quite much of popularity.

AccessiBe caters to the needs of the differently abled clients with better services:

With internet, the world has become smaller.People have come closer. They have also become aware of things around just with a click nowadays. Additionally with internet today, people today are capable of newer inventions too. This adds on to the comfort and ease to human life highly. With the gradual advancement of technology and rigorous efforts by the tech-savvy population out there, internet today has been made available in almost every household. However, Michael Hingson, the Chief Vision Officer in AccessiBe has a valid point to take up. He is somehow not happy with the pave of progress made in terms of accessibility of internet among the population whats oever. He is especially worried about persons with physical disabilities and is eager to do things more accessible for the same.

The Chief Vision Officer from AccessiBe, is anxious and wants the programmers and the providers to be a little more concerned about people around. According to him, for the people who are visually impaired or are having any other disabilities whatsoever, services have to be faster and more accessible. Michael Hinsgon, who is himself visually, impaired a person, points out that the number of websites working on the internet is huge. These are created in numbers but unfortunately the access to all of these is not as much as should have been. Moreover, these web sites work with the help of sight and sound. This makes internet difficult to access for the people who are differently abled.

The following giveaways might make things clearer about what Michael Hingson and team tends to offer:

Tech-based services that have accessibility to all including differently abled persons too.

Keyboards with more advanced features to ensure comfortable internet access for the visually impaired users.

Vocal navigation capabilities that will get users to listen and operate rather that seeing.

Skilled technicians and programmers to initiate faster provision of user-friendly websites for clients.

Apart from its tech-based services, AccessiBe offers advanced podcasting as well. Through these services, one gets to almost listen to a movie and enjoy a similar feel like watching the same. Hence this is one of the greatest giveaways of the company that caters to the needs of the visually impaired users. They give in for a range of some highly entertaining audio dramas and also best of music that can be enjoyed by all in the family. overall, the main motive of this company is to make internet easy for all and sundry.

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